

Windows版クライアント version3.1.0.1014。頻繁にバージョンアップしているので、オプションが定まっていないから載せてないのかもしれません。)


■ENScript.exe CreateNote /?
/s file - file containing the plain text note contents. If omitted, note conte
nts are read from standard input.
/n notebook - notebook to create the note in. If does not exist, lazy create.
If omitted, use default notebook.
/i title - specifies note title. If omitted, note title will be generated auto
/t tag - specifies note tag. If tag does not exist, lazy create it. Use multip
le /t options to specify multiple tags.
/a filename - specifies file attachment. Use multiple /a options to specify mu
ltiple file attachments.
/c dttm - note creation date/time. { "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss" | filetime }. If om
itted, use current time.
/u username - user name if not the same as database file name.
/p password - user password to confirm Evernote service access.
/d database - database file name if user name is not specified.

■ENScript.exe showNotes /?
/q query - query to filter the notes. If omitted, stdin is used to gather quer
y specification.
/u username - user name if not the same as database file name.
/p password - user password to confirm Evernote service access.
/d database - database file name if user name is not specified.

■ENScript.exe ImportNotes /?
/s {file|url} - source .enex file or url. If omitted, stdin is used to gather
source specification.
/n notebook - notebook to create the note in. If does not exist, lazy create.
If omitted, use default notebook.
/u username - user name if not the same as database file name.
/p password - user password to confirm Evernote service access.
/d database - database file name if user name is not specified.

■ENScript.exe PrintNotes /?
/q query - query to filter the notes. If omitted, stdin is used to gather quer
y specification.
/u username - user name if not the same as database file name.
/p password - user password to confirm Evernote service access.
/d database - database file name if user name is not specified.

■ENScript.exe ExportNotes /?
/q query - query to filter the notes. If omitted, stdin is used to gather quer
y specification.
/f file - export .enex file. If omitted, stdout is used.
/u username - user name if not the same as database file name.
/p password - user password to confirm Evernote service access.
/d database - database file name if user name is not specified.

■ENScript.exe CreateNotebook /?
/n notebook - name of the notebook to create. If omitted, the notebook name is
read from standard input.
/t {local|synced} - type of the notebook to create. If omitted, creates a sync
hronized notebook.
/u username - user name if not the same as database file name.
/p password - user password to confirm Evernote service access.
/d database - database file name if user name is not specified.

■ENScript.exe listNotebooks /?
/t {local|synced} - type of the notebooks to list on stdout. If omitted, list
all existing notebooks.
/u username - user name if not the same as database file name.
/p password - user password to confirm Evernote service access.
/d database - database file name if user name is not specified.

■ENScript.exe syncDatabace /?
/l file name - log file name. Use standard log if omitted. Ignored in GUI impl
/u username - user name if not the same as database file name.
/p password - user password to confirm Evernote service access.
/d database - database file name if user name is not specified.
